[TUT]Modding Splash Of Opera Mini 5.1 Symbian Using Mobile

T O O L S N E E D E D;

1. Xplore

2. Class Editor

3. Cal4m

I N S T R U C T I O N S;

1. Ready your Image which will be used on Your Splash in any image format(png,jpg,jpeg,gif)

2. Open the Image Using The Class Editor Copy The Value Inside the Image (press * then scroll till the end of the file then Press Center/ok next press right > copy) remember the size of the image in bytes(which is the Value Shown at The Bottom Center of The Class Editor.

3. Now Open Splash.dat Using Class Editor Then Find PNG( press 9 > type PNG > press #)

4. Next Press left (<) then mark it till to the end of the file( press * then scroll down till to the end of the file) 5. Then press center ,press right > INSERT and Save it Now..

6. Convert the New Image Size To Hex using Cal4m, in this example i use image file which size is 13830bytes = 3606 in HEX

7. Then Replace it to the Hex Value 1264(using xplore select splash.dat > press 8 > Menu > Find Hex > 1264 then replace it to the hex You Get( in this example i calculated 3606 in hex)

8. Then Save it Now and Try to use it on your Om5.1beta/beta2 Symbian.
